We have partnered with myLike to find your way around based on our insider tips:
- Here are your ESN Leeds team tips -
click on the map to get them on your mobile - follow us on myLike
What you can do with the myLike app:
- Choose the sources you trust -
Your friends are your most reliable source of information. They know you and will get you the best and most inspiring results. With myLike you can select the sources that generate the best results for you.
- Get surprised and inspired -
Ask for places like you where asking your friends and get inspired by the results. A truly intuitive and natural way to discover new places and experiences beyond just bars and restaurants.
- Find what's relevant for you -
People have different tastes. The myLike “taste match” feature will show you who shares your preferences. This makes it easy to focus on those recommendations, that are relevant for you.
- Set your privacy -
You decide who can see your saved myLikes: only you, your friends, your groups or the whole world.
- Save, organize and share your myLikes -
myLike is the place where you can easily save and organize the things you love and you can find them later again. You may share them with the people you care about or store them just for yourself protecting your privacy.
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